Activity Log
Click one of the images below to document that activity in Scoutbook Plus.
Important Links
Scoutbook Plus -
Online Cub Scout Adventures -
Adventure Activity Key -
Trails End Popcorn -
Guide to Safe Scouting -
Adult Training -
Scouting -
Youth Protection -
Advancement Trail
On the advancement trail, a Cub Scout progresses towards a badge of rank based on their grade. They need not have earned the previous rank in order to earn the next.
To earn each badge of rank a Cub Scout earns the six required Adventures and at least two elective Adventures. Required Adventures are based on the aims and areas of importance in Scouting.
Each badge of rank is age-appropriate, so earning a rank below a Cub Scout’s current grade is not permitted.
If you are interested in Advancement as the Scouts cross-over to a Scouting America Troop (beyond 5th Grade), visit THIS SITE.
2024 Program Update Information
A recent update to the program occurred, learn more.
Adventure Activity Cards
Cub Scouts earn Adventures that are specific to their grade and rank. A number of Adventures must be completed to earn the badge of rank for each grade level. Completion of Adventures is how the aims of character, citizenship, leadership, and personal fitness are developed.
Adult Leader's Corner
Aims and Areas
Adventure Comparison Chart Across Ranks by aims and areas of importance in Scouting.
Adult Leader Online Application
National Fee - $85
paid online at the time of the application. Leaders may request reimbursement from the Treasurer.
Discord -
Access the Pack's Den Leaders Shared Resources folder by emailing the Cubmaster.
Pack Finances
A helpful resources regarding pack finances.
Go directly to to take part in training. You'll select Cub Scouts to see specific position training.
Read more about required training across the scouting program
Check out this .pdf to see clearly what training is required by position
Take Youth Protection Training (YPT)
New to Scouting? Click here to login and take Youth Protection training. You do not have to be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America to take Youth Protection training.
Get additional guidance.
To take Youth Protection training go to and create an account. You’ll receive an email notification with your account information, including a member ID/reference number.